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General Book

What is an ISBN?
ISBN is an abbreviation for International Standard Book Number. Each ISBN is a unique identifier for a book or other book-like product that specifies its title, format, edition, and publisher.
Where is the ISBN located on my book?
ISBNs are typically located on the back of each book near the barcode and inside each book on the copyright page.
What does an ISBN look like?
ISBNs are typically 13 digit (Ex. 9780357499764) or 10 digit (Ex. 035749976X) numbers. ISBNs are sometimes displayed with sections separated by hyphens (Ex. 978-03574-9976-4).
Are there new and used prices for every course material?
Depending on availability of course materials, textbooks will have options for new, used, and/or rental. There are some course materials such as access codes and workbooks that do not have a used option since they cannot be reused. Some products are digital-only products because of availability of materials from the publishers. 

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